Safeguarding Returns Form

This form must be completed by the School Designated Safeguarding Lead or DDSL

Name Of Pupil *
Date Of Birth *
Current School
(School transferring from) *
Are there Safeguarding/Child Protection records for the pupil named above? *
If YES, I will be sharing via:

Paper - please send these records in a sealed envelope marked 'Strictly Confidential', for the attention of Mrs. Jo Forman, Assistant Head (DSL), Seaford College, Lavington Park, Petworth, GU28 0NB

Electronic - Please upload below, transfer on CPOMs or email to

File upload options:
Are there Behavioural / Emotional issues relating to the pupil named above? *
What pastoral support do we need to continue with here at Seaford? ( e.g. counselling, safe space, time out etc)
Is a conversation required on the phone about this student/family?
Please enter your name *
School Name *
Position *
Email Address
Phone Number *
Date *

If there are any particular concerns, please contact Mrs. Forman on 01798 867851 or 07549 032556 

Send me a copy of this form

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: