Prep School Safeguarding Returns Form 2024 

This form must be completed by the School Designated Safeguarding Lead or DDSL

Name Of Pupil *
Date Of Birth *
Year group transferring into
Current School
(School transferring from) *
There are Child Protection records for the pupil named above *
If yes, please send these records in a sealed envelope marked 'Strictly Confidential' as outlined in Child Protection Procedures, for the attention of Mrs. Jo Forman, our Director of Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Resilience, by email, CPOMs or file upload.
There are Behavioural / Emotional issues relating to the pupil named above *
If yes, please send these records in a sealed envelope marked 'Strictly Confidential' as outlined in Child Protection Procedures, for the attention of Mrs. Jo Forman, our Director of Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Resilience, by email, CPOMs or file upload.
What pastoral support do we need to continue with here at Seaford? (e.g. counselling, safe space, time out etc)
Is a conversation required on the phone about this student/family?
Please enter your name *
School Name *
Position *
Email Address
Phone Number *
Date *

If there are any particular concerns, please contact Mr Julian Hart on  or 01798 867871

Send me a copy of this form

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: