Academic Access and Achievement (AAA)

As your child is joining Seaford in September 2024, we are writing to ask if they have any SEN (Learning Support) needs. If your child is joining Year 9, you will already have submitted this information as part of their option choices.

Student's Name *
Year Group as of September 2024 *
Have you notified AAA or Admissions of SEN (Learning Support) or a requirement for Access arrangements for examinations in their current school? *
Please provide details:

Have you submitted relevant professional assessment reports e.g. Educational Psychology, Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Specialist Teacher or other to Admission or AAA? *
Have these been submitted to the School?

(If not, please submit these to the Admissions Department as soon as possible.) *
Does your son/daughter need Learning Support lessons from September?

(Please note it is our policy that we only offer one Learning Support lesson per week per student). *
What are the preferred subjects your son/daughter would not attend in order to accommodate these lessons? *
Does your child have Access Arrangements for examinations at his/her current school?
(As per JCQ regulations, please be aware that all new students are reassessed for their exam access arrangements when they start at Seaford College. This therefore may result in an alteration to previous accommodations.) *
(If yes, please state what the concessions were and provide the report from the previous school to support your son/daughter’s concessions to our Admissions Department)
Name *

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