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Pastoral care and well-being is at the heart of everything we do at Seaford and we are proud to offer a whole school approach to well-being. We have a web of pastoral support including tutors, heads of year, teachers, house parents peer mentors, support staff, senior management and the pastoral team.
We have a pastoral and well-being hub (No,46 in the heart of the campus), which is dedicated to emotional/well-being support and counselling for our senior school students. It is a place where students can go to take time out, or talk if they wish. Students are able to ‘drop in’ and see one of the team or book to have a regular or scheduled appointments. We also have a school counsellor. Our prep school has a room where the younger children can relax and have open conversations. Please do get in touch if you wish to discuss any pastoral, well-being or safeguarding matters.
FURTHER INFORMATION for the Director of Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Resilience, Headmaster, Head of Year and/or Tutor. Please include any information you wish to share with the pastoral team, possibly relating to family, personal or health related issues which you feel would enable us to support your child in the best possible way.
Please feel free to address any particularly confidential information directly to Mrs Jo Forman, Director of Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Resilience, at
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