GCSE Options Submission for September 2025

Guiding principles

  • We recommend students study at least 1 of the Humanities - Geography; History; Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
  • We recommend students study no more than 2 coursework heavy subjects
  • A Modern Foreign Language is not compulsory, but recommended if students enjoy and excel in French or Spanish
  • If a student is a scholar in a particular area, they should be studying the relevant subject related to their scholarship
  • All students must study 4 option subjects in addition to the core subjects

The Core Subjects

English Literature and English Language

For further details on these please contact Mr Kevin Finniear - Head of English - kfinniear@Seaford.org


For further details on Maths please contact Mrs Bedford - Head of Maths - tbedford@Seaford.org


For further details on the Sciences and the different routes available please contact Dr Andy Richardson - Head of Science - arichardson@Seaford.org

Help and Advice

Students and Parents can seek advise from their tutor, subject teachers and Heads of Department.

Mr d'Agar is also available to meet with to discuss future options and the years ahead.

You can find the full GCSE Options Booklet for 2025 here.

You can find the subject presentations from the evening here.

Options Submission

Student's first name: *
Student's last name: *
Parent's email: *
Subject 1: *
Subject 2: *
Subject 3: *
Subject 4: *
Reserve: *

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch (sdagar@seaford.org).

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