Sixth Form Options Submission - September 2023

Guiding principles

  • We expect members of the Sixth form to take three subjects
  • Students selecting Further Mathematics must also select Mathematics
  • You cannot select the same subject more than once
  • Please refer to the Sixth form option booklet for course information and GCSE grade and course recommendations
  • You cannot select both Business courses or both PE/Sport courses.
  • You can select a maximum of 2 Creative Art and Design based subjects
  • You can select any combination of A Level and BTEC/Cambridge Technical courses
  • All Sixth form subjects equate to 1 A Level equivalent
  • All courses are subject to receiving sufficient interest to allow them to be run
  • Whilst we endeavor to give everyone their first choice of subjects, this is not always possible. You will be contacted if you are effected by this

You can find information on each course in the Sixth Form Options Booklet

Student's first name: *
Student's last name: *
Parent's email: *
Are you currently at Seaford in Year 11? *
Are you intending to stay at Seaford for the Sixth Form? *
Where are you intending to go? Please note, you are required to give a term's notice to the Headmaster. *
Where are you currently at school?
Subject 1:
Subject 2:
Subject 3:
Reserve choice:
Any further comments?

For can find further information on the Sixth Form Experience here: Experience Booklet

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