LAMDA Tuition Form

Students Name *
Is your child an existing pupil? *
Year Group *

Has your child previously taken any LAMDA exams?

If yes, what exam and grade did your child last take?
Would you like your child to have a group, duo or solo lesson? *
When would you like your child's lessons to commence?

Terms and Conditions for Peripatetic Lessons

I agree to pay the fees, as published by the School, in advance, no later than the first lesson of each term.

The teacher will teach thirty lessons in the academic year, but may teach more (or less) than ten lessons in any one term.

If the teacher misses any lessons, these will be made up, or refunded if they are unable to teach thirty lessons in the academic year.

The teacher is not obliged to make up lessons missed by the Pupil, but will do so if possible.

The course of the Pupil's studies, including repertoire, public performances and entry for all examinations and competitions, remains under the teacher’s professional direction at all times, in consultation with the Parent where appropriate.

If you wish lessons to stop, you must give a full term’s notice in writing, addressed to the teacher and If you give less than a term’s notice, you will be required to make a payment to me of a full term’s fees in lieu of notice.

I accept the terms and conditions set out above, and agree to be bound thereby. *
Your name *
Your Email *
Home phone
Mobile Phone

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