Modern Foreign Languages - Year 7 and 8 entry 2024

In Year 7, all students study at least one language and some study two. They can select from French or Spanish or can choose to do both. We teach 6 lessons a fortnight of Modern Foreign Languages; if they do both languages, this will be divided between them. Once they have made their selection, this continues into Year 8 and Year 9. At the start of Year 9 those who have chosen to do both can opt to continue with just one.

Please use this form to select the language option on behalf of your son/daughter and to give the MFL department an idea of their language learning experience to date.

Student's Name *
Parent's Name *
Email *

Language selection

Which language would you like your son/daughter to study? *

Student's previous language experience

When did they start learning the language? *
Does the student have any close friends or family who speak the language?
Does the student speak any other languages?
Any further comments?

Key contacts

The Admissions process - Mrs H Richardson - Admissions Secretary -

Modern Foreign Languages - Miss A Loten - Head of MFL -

Curriculum or general Academic queries - Mr S d'Agar - Deputy Head -

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