Year 9 Entry 2024

As part of the Year 9 curriculum at Seaford, we offer a set of option subjects where students supplement the core subjects with subjects that they are most passionate about. 

We ask that you take some time to read this booklet alongside your son/daughter and then complete the information at the bottom of this page. 

Please note:

There are restrictions on the number of students that can study certain subjects

  • These are not GCSE subject choices - this decision is made in February of Year 9.
  • If a subject is not studied during Year 9, it will not stop the subject being studied at GCSE (during Years 10 and 11), the only exception to this is Latin, French and Spanish.
  • Students who hold a scholarship are expected to select the relevant subject.
  • The same subject cannot be chosen more than once.
  • We cannot guarantee that students will get all of their top choices. You shall be contacted if this is the case.
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Parent's email address *
Is your son/daughter new to Seaford? *

Learning Support Information

Have you notified Admissions or the Academic Access and Achievement team of any SEN needs or Access arrangements at your son/daughter’s current school? *
Does your son/daughter need 1-2-1 Learning Support lessons from September? (Please note that it is our policy that we only offer one learning support lesson per week per student) *
Would you be interested in your son/daughter having small group support, rather than 1-2-1 learning support lessons? These groups are considered an alternative to 1-2-1 learning support lessons. *

Curriculum choices

Students have 5 curriculum points to spend to enhance their curriculum beyond the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, DT, Business, Geography, History and Games. Details on all of the subjects (both core and optional) can be found in the Welcome to Year 9 booklet above.

Students must spend at least 2 of their curriculum points on a Language. The remaining 3 points can be spent on any other subject choices.

You must select the Language option first, before continuing with the rest of the form, as the availability changes slightly depending on the Language selected.

Select the Modern Foreign Language you would like to study (this needs to be made before any other choices can be made below) *
Outline your language learning experience to date, including any languages you speak or have learnt at school.

You now need to spend your remaining curriculum points

Choice 1 *
Choice 2 *
Choice 3 *
Choice 1 *
Choice 2 *
Choice 3 *
Choice 1 *

We ask that all students submit a reserve choice, which must be different to any of the other options selected.

Reserve choice *

If you have any queries regarding the process, please contact Mr Seb d'Agar (Deputy Head)

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